St. Paul’s is pleased to offer many opportunities for education and Bible study. One of our classes — called Middlers — is open to folks who are 30- to 50-years-old, single or married. We like to think Middlers are journeying in the middle of the road of life, sandwiched between generations, facing unique challenges and amazing opportunities in a rapidly changing and often confusing world. We care and support each other as brothers and sisters in Christ in a safe and loving community.
Currently, the Middlers formation class is taking a fresh look at Psalms with Open and Unafraid by W. David O. Taylor. The book of Psalms has been central to God’s people for millennia, across all walks of life and cultural contexts. Open and Unafraid shows us how to read the psalms in a fresh, life-giving way, and so access the bottomless resources for life that they provide.
Laughter and Play
Middler’s need to play more and the opportunities for whole group social activities continue to evolve. We have gatherings for adults-only, as well as, gatherings that include children and dogs. Child care for the kid-friendly events will be at St Paul’s or a member’s home.
Plans are under way to expand service to St Paul’s and the greater community.
As a group, Middlers are on a journey of sharing confidence in God’s grace; liberated by faith to embrace the whole person — imperfect, complex, inconsistent, questioning. Come as you are.
Companions On The Journey
We are companions on the journey
Breaking break and sharing life
And in the love we bear is the hope we share
For we believe in the love of our God
No longer strangers to each other
No longer strangers in God's house
We are fed and we are nourished
by the strength of those who care
We have gifted with each other
And we are called by the work of the Lord
To act with justice, to love tenderly
And to walk humbly with our God
—Carey Landry — 1985