The role of our vestry is to advise and support the priest, the parishioners and the diocese and sustain the property, its environs and the church’s finances. The vestry is comprised of nine confirmed and elected individuals of good standing who are the legal representatives of the parish. They meet monthly, participate in all activities of the parish and serve in whatever capacity necessary and commensurate with their abilities during their three-year tenure. The positions are rotated so that each year three new members join as three rotate off. The members of the vestry also recognize and utilize the time, talents and treasures of the parish members, head up committees and promote the prayer life of the church.
The roles of Senior and Junior Wardens require a true commitment to time and talent.
Our Senior Warden, Lynn Waddle, meets regularly with the Rector to collaborate on the direction of ministry. His main role is that of communicator, to vestry members and parishioners and handles all things that pertain to the church.
The Junior Warden, Stephen Wilson, leads all matters related to maintenance of the building and its grounds.
Our Treasurer, Melissa Calcote, reports to the vestry and rector the financial health of the church and advised them on all financial matters.
Jan. 2022 - Jan. 2025
Stacey Harwell
Bob Covert
Gayle Yochim
Jan. 2023 - Jan. 2026
Gloria Chancellor
John Compton
Marty McIntyre
Jan. 2024 - Jan. 2027
Patrick Lewis
John Rea
Edie Simmons
Clerk of Vestry: Stephen Wilson
Feel free to contact any of these members with any questions or concerns.